Donovan Urban Teaching Scholars Program

Donovan Urban Teaching Scholars Program

As part of an intensive one-year M.Ed. program that leads to licensure, 多诺万城市教学学者通过优先考虑批判性探究的课程,学习如何在城市学校成为K-12教师, social justice education, and community building.

At a Glance

How many courses?

The number of courses varies by program of study. 

How long will it take?

Full-time students complete the program in one year.

When can I start?

Students must 在夏季学期开始课程,以便在一年内完成课程. 

Programs of Study

多诺万学者从下面与国家许可证相关的列表中选择所需的程序. 您可以选择在任何州获得执照,并将完成适当的评估。. For example, 在马萨诸塞州寻求教师执照的人将完成他们的教育者准备课程(M.Ed.),获得批注,并通过学科领域/年级水平所需的英语水平考试.

Early Childhood Education

学会教,挑战和培养各种各样的pre - 2学生.

Elementary Education


Secondary Education

学生可以选择三个中等教育学位课程中的一个:教育硕士(M).Ed.), Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T), and Master of Science in Teaching (M.S.T)

Moderate Special Needs


Why the Donovan Program?

Supportive Cohort Experience

多诺万学者参加以群体为中心的课程和专业发展课程. In addition, 我们为学生提供了机会,利用他们在实习经历中建立的紧密联系和多样化的桥梁关系,成长为教师和教育工作者. Ultimately, 我们的毕业生继续在世界各地的城市教育环境中享受有价值的职位.  

Commitment to Diversity

城市学校的教育多样性应反映其所服务的学生群体的多样性, the program commits to recruiting aspiring educators of color. 每年,该项目都会招收最多30名电子游戏正规平台生, many of whom were educated in urban schools themselves, 并渴望以建设性和终身的方式回馈他们的社区.

Year-Long Practicum

多诺万学者承诺与我们的多诺万校友在我们的合作伙伴城市学校进行预实习或实习(学生教学). Additionally, the program has the capacity to adapt practicum requirements, 如果你在当地担任教师或助教. Learn more about the practicum here

Inquiry-Based Urban Teacher Education

多诺万城市教学学者计划建立在特定的电子游戏正规平台项目上,并整合了为期一年的互动共享探究研讨会, classroom-based research, exploration of the relationships beteween theory and practice, and co-construction of critical perspectives about teaching, learning, and schooling.

Alumni Community and Engagement



Select school and community partners include:


Boston Public Schools

Epiphany School and Early Learning Center

Campus Without Walls

Somerville High School

Snowden International School

Bridge Boston Charter School

Neighborhood House Charter

Substantial Financial Assistance

All Donovan Scholars receive a minimum of 50% tuition remission. In addition, 林奇学院电子游戏正规平台生招生和城市拓展倡议办公室与每一位多诺万奖学金获得者合作,制定慷慨的财政方案,可能包括额外的资助, internships, and scholarships. 经济援助奖可能包括彼得·杰伊·夏普基金会的夏普城市教师奖学金, 哪个机构为来自弱势群体的电子游戏正规平台生在城市学校任教提供经济支持.

Upon graduation, Donovan Scholars commit to teach in urban schools (Catholic, charter, or public) for at least three years.

在很多方面,我的工作都是我在不列颠哥伦比亚省担任多诺万城市教学学者时的延续. 该项目为教育工作者在波士顿的城市课堂教学做准备. Over the years, 它一直是培养具有公平意识和社会正义意识的教育工作者的重要渠道. 我以前的学生中有四个已经完成了这个项目,现在自己也成了老师. 能够在教室里看到他们是一件非常值得的事情.
Dr. Charles Grandson IV, Chief Equity and Strategy Officer, Boston Public Schools

Distinguished Donovan Alumni

Michelle Sanchez

Dr. Michelle Sanchez
Principal of Epiphany School

Ashana Hurd

Ashana Hurd

Sam Texeira

Sam Texeira

Kevin Dua

Kevin Dua

Dr. Charles Grandson

Dr. Charles Grandson IV

Katharine Atkins Pattenson

Katherine Atkins Pattenson
Middle School Teacher at Gardner Pilot Academy

Marcus Penny

Marcus Penny
STEM Instructional Coach at
Boston Public Schools

Carmen Pierre Canel

Carmen Pierre Canel
Leadership Coach and Former Middle School
Principal of Academy of the Pacific Rim
Charter School

Mwalimu Donker Issa

Mwalimu Donker Issa
Coordinator of Target Programs at BPS





If you have questions about the application, please email 如果您对申请材料的接收有疑问,请发送电子邮件

Application & Deadlines

In order to apply to the Donovan program, applicants must:

  1. 表现出对满足城市地区儿童和家庭需求的承诺和热情.

  2. 向林奇教育与人类发展学院提交申请, and be accepted into a M.Ed. 在儿童早期、小学、中学或中等特殊需要教育方面的教育计划. (Please check Donovan in the pull-down menu. 在你的个人陈述中表明你对城市教育和多诺万城市教学学者的兴趣). 

  3. At this time, 多诺万学者不能参加双许可证计划,因为所需的学分超过了一年计划的长度.

Apply Now

A non-refundable application fee of $75 is required, however, this fee is waived for select applicants. 要查看批准豁免的名单,请查看下面的申请费用减免标准.

Upon graduation, Donovan Scholars commit to teach in urban schools (Catholic, charter or public) for at least 3 years.

Application Fee Waivers


  • Application Priority Deadline: January 4


To be uploaded to your online application form. 

除了你的学历和相关工作经验之外, please include any licenses currently held, any social justice-related experience, and language skills other than English, and any research experience or publications.



Personal Statement

To be uploaded to your online application form. 

1. In 1,000 - 1,500 words, describe your academic and professional goals, any experience relevant to this program, and your future plans, expectations, and aspirations.

2. 除了描述你的学术和职业目标以及相关经验, 你的个人陈述的目的是在描述你的未来计划时展示你的写作技巧, expectations, and aspirations. 所有电子游戏正规平台生课程的申请者都需要一份个人陈述,应该大约是1,000-1,500 words, double-spaced.

Letters of Recommendation

  1. 推荐人的身份/对推荐人的指示已在网上申请表格中列出. 

  2. 需要两封推荐信,其中至少一封需要来自学术来源. 申请人可自行选择另提交一份推荐信.


As part of the admissions process, 合格的潜在候选人将被邀请参加多诺万计划的面试. 面试为选拔委员会提供了一个机会来评估每个候选人是否适合该项目并评估他们的技能, experiences, and motivations. It is an essential step in the application process, 允许候选人展示他们独特的品质,并展示他们对项目目标的承诺.





  • 国内高校的正式成绩单可以通过以下两种方式之一提交:纸质成绩单可以邮寄或在原始密封信封中送到招生处, or electronic transcripts may be submitted to  

  • 如果你是在读学生,没有完成你的本科和/或电子游戏正规平台生学位, the most updated version of your transcript is acceptable.


Mailed transcript(s) should be sent to the following address:

Lynch Office of Graduate Admissions, Boston College
Campion Hall 135
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

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